Rugby Football Club
Here’s a list of rugby terms with a link to their definition:
Break Down
Free Kick
Grubber Kick
Line Out
Try Zone
Up and Under Kick
Break Down
Term that refers to a tackle and subsequent ruck or maul
A tackle
A conversion is kick at goal that occurs after a try is scored (similar to an extra point in football). It is worth 2 points if successful. A conversion is kicked equidistant from the touch line (sideline) as where the try was scored. If the try is scored 5 feet from the side line, the conversion attempt has to be made 5 feet from the sideline.
Free Kick
Once a penalty has occurred such as offsides or not releasing the ball a kick is awarded the team who has not committed the infraction. The team has a choice of kicking at goal worth 3 points if successful, or punting the ball to gain yardage. If the punt goes into touch then the kicking team gets a lineout.
Grubber Kick
A low kick made during open play in an attempt to kick the ball past the defender on the ground. The kicker the attempts to catch the ball on a bounce.
Line Out
A set play to restart the match once the ball is taken into touch (out of bounds). Players are allowed to lift other players in the air to catch the ball. This is like combining a throw-in in soccer and a jump ball is basket ball. The team who did not take the ball into touch gets to through the ball in.
When the ball carrier takes the ball into contact (a tackle) and is able to stay on his feet a maul is formed. Other players may push the mall to gain yardage.
This is the rugby term for the field.
First, a ball carrier takes the ball into contact (a tackle) and goes to the ground. Then a second player from the same team steps over the ball to protect it, a ruck is formed.
A scrum is a way to restart play after a knock-on or forward pass. Forwards bind together in a certain configuration, and push against the opposing forwards in an effort to win the ball.
The rugby term for out-of-bounds.
Worth 5 points a try is when the ball is placed on the ground in the opponents try zone. This is similar to a touch down in foot ball.
Try Zone
The area at the end of the pitch where a try can be scored. Similar to the End Zone in football.
Up and Under Kick
A high kick made during open play in an attempt to kick the ball past the defender in the air. The kicker the attempts to catch the ball on the other side of the defender before it touches the ground.
An African tribe, the last letter of the military alphabet, or the ritual that occurs once a player has scored his or her first try.